
Click on pictures to access video interviews, transcriptions, vocabulary and extra resources.

A5 videos are ranked by difficulty in understanding and length with the simplest at the top.

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Antonio is from a small town in Salamanca, Spain and has three children. A5 16 sec

Ladys is from Colombia. She describes her family, where she is from and where she currently lives. A5 19 sec. 

Carmen is from Puerto Rico, she describes her immediate family and where sh is from. A5 24 sec

Ana is from Galicia, Spain. She explains her immediate family situation with divorced parents. A5 26 sec

Belén is from Spain. She describes her siblings, their ages and how their parents owned a store. A5 35 sec

Patricia is from Mexico. She describes her family members, their nicknames and pet dog. A5 44 sec

Rocío is from Perú, she describes her larger more traditional family. A5 47 sec

Enrique is from Spain, he describes his immediate and extended family. A5 54 sec